When I saw this it was a WOW!!!! I look for ways to increase fuel mileage (MPG) constantly. But my recent find was a real exciting find and it works for gas or diesel, cars, trucks, motorcycles any gas or diesel motor.
In WWII fighter aircraft found that they could gain a lot more power when they flew just a few feet above the water. Although not new technology, HHO systems were developed and actually used in WWII. After the war the technology dissappeared and was forgotten.
More recently a group of back yard inventers like myself revived this 90 year old technology and applied it to cars, pick ups, diesel rigs, just anything that runs on gas or diesel. This system is simple to build and you can get all the parts you need from Wal-Mart, Home Deopt, Radio Shack, OSH, and off the Internet. I'm building two as we speak and intend to build more for family. Some of the extensive testing shows some remarkable results.
Bio-fuel production has already increased food prices about 150% and created food shortages world wide, maybe leading to world famine. We have technology that dramatically reduce the need for oil. It's called HHO technology and don't forget electric car technology. We simply won't need as much oil if people will just get off their "chair" and do something. Lazy, spoiled rotten, want everything handed to them. Get real, do a little work, try harder, be inventive, try whatever comes out to cut fuel costs and improve efficiency.
I hear people gripe about fuel costs, gripe about pollution but like Al Gore continue living LARGE in huge huge homes, driving huge cars and clamining to be the worlds savior to stop global warming. Get real!
This is what you should be doing, use 100% synthetic oil, get as much as 20% (sometimes more or less) use 80% less oil, reduce polution dramatically.
Build a HHO Unit and clean up exhaust emissions drmatically, so much you won't believe you eyes. Testing shows amazing results.
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